Important dates:

All dates are in Pacific standard time (PST)

  • Challenge website:         1st November 2020                            
  • Train data release (release I) : 15th January 2021  25th January 2021   2nd February 2021 (final release)
  • ** Participation declaration form (deadline):** 19th February 2021 (11:59, PST) 
  • Test data release I (50 % data): 12th February 2021  20th February  25th February (Participation form and data confidentiality agreement required!!!)
  • Leaderboard setup and submission start: 20th February 2021 25th February
  • Test data release II (all data): 28th February 2021 5th March
  • Leaderboard submission closing: 3rd March 2021 7th March
  • Intend to submit (abstract+ method on released subset): 6th March 2021 10th March 2021 12th 15th March 2021 Link:
  • *6-8 single column paper submission deadline: *20th March 2021 (submit through CMT, peer-reviewed, CEUR proc. )
  • Decision for paper acceptance:  27th March 2021
  • Spotlight/oral presentation announcement:  30th March 2021
  • Final paper submission:  31st March 2021
  • The challenge and workshop: 13rd April 2021 @IEEE ISBI2021 challenges

Paper submission guideline (6-8 pages*): Latex Format here

**Please note that this is not an IEEE ISBI proceeding. All peer-reviewed and accepted papers will appear on the online CEUR proceeding.  *